Sunday, 28 August 2011

Week Twenty Seven

After the lord mayor's show as the saying goes. That's a whole week of no exercise and of eating a little to much lost another battle with a loaf of bread. I must learn that I must eat less if I do no exercise it's not rocket science but I seem to not realize this fact as it happens. I will be starting X-Box Fitness this week as it should not affect my calf. Next Saturday I am doing my first training session with Powerade I cannot afford not to go so will protect my calf but looking forward to learning new stuff from experienced people in the run up to the Great South Run.

Its really great that after this week my head is still in the right place I am not panicking freaking out or feeling depressed so that is my victory, I can make a fresh start this week keeping my fitness up whilst protecting my calf so that when I start running I am fully recovered and able to train fully until race day.

My Weight this week is 104.5kg which is up on last week but that's fine, its a shame but these things happen for a reason.   

1 comment:

  1. Once more I am in awe of you Darin. I know well enough how hard it is to stay positive when the scales aren't matching.
    You'd started measuring too hadn't you? What's happening to that? It might surprise you to realise that the tape measure doesn't match the expectations you have from the scales! Certainly with me, in the weeks where I either fail to lose or even gain weight, the clothes are the things that show it's still working.
    "trust in the force" because the Slimpod is continuing to work its magic in the way it always has. I haven't yet adopted the "choose better" message in my slimpod and still eat dodgy food but I eat so much less than I did before that I know the weight will keep coming off. I suspect it's the same with you? If you want to eat bread don't worry about it. Your unconscious will stop you eating too much!
