Sunday, 27 March 2011

Week Five

This week started with so much confidence and such a natural high I have even made an appointment to see my Doctor to come off or cut down on my anti-depressants as I clearly don't need them any more.

For some reason this week I have a couple of times eaten when 1. I should have stopped eating my dinner because I felt full, because it was mostly vegetables I kept going felt so guilty afterwards as though I had failed myself 2, Eaten bread twice when I should not have done again felt guilty and disappointed with myself because I really thought I had beaten those monkeys off my back.

COMPLACENCY has crept in I fear, it must stop now, I cannot eat more than I did last week just because I lost weight last week and the week before,that thought process is failed and will only end in weight gain. I must keep on track and keep focused on the long term goal.

That said I must put last week away and start afresh this week remembering why I am doing this how the weight loss so far has been amazing how much better I feel in myself to be able to exercise (walking only for now) and feel as though I'm not going to have a heart attack, wearing older smaller trousers that I never believed I would get in without surgery, and to keep repaying the faith that Sandra and Trevor have in me to follow my journey plan to its joyous natural happy ending.

So now the all important weekly weigh in last week's was 119.4kg this week it is ..............119.1kg a loss of 0.3kg or a nearly whole 0.7 of a lb. Firstly a loss is a loss so thats good but if I am truly honest and I have to be to myself for this to work properly I am shocked with a weight loss and I think the only reason for the loss was due to the walking done in London for the demo yesterday and the 1hour 20 minute route march back to the coach which we made with minutes to spare,two months ago I would not have made it thats for sure.

So on to next week and the battle ahead to keep the control I now have over food, not the other way round I hope I'm not letting Sandra and Trevor down but last week was very hard and I nearly failed this week will be harder because I am aware of what I did last week and must stop it from happening next week. Thank goodness I have the knowledge to see were I struggled and be able to address them. Bring on Week Six I am ready prepared and waiting for you.

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