Sunday, 20 March 2011

Week Four

Welcome to week four of my journey with the help of Thinking Slimmer and its all good news this week no negative thoughts no But's no regrets only Positive's all the way.

I cannot remember the last time I felt this good about myself and positive about my life all at the same time, I feel like I want to burst with excitement, thankfully I can blog my positivity and then look forward to moving on to next week and have no doubts about the week ahead.

The whole week has gone well, I have been on late shifts three times this week and only one night my blood sugar dropped so I am coping so much better and I can clearly see the benefits of the choices I now make.I also had two days off together and never worried or thought about food like I used to do, always in and out of the kitchen picking at food all day and night.

So the weigh in then you can take it it went well !!! Last week my weight was 121.0kg this week it is 119.4kg thats a loss of 1.6kg or 3.5 pounds my BMI has come down from 43.55 to 38.4 so I have come down from severely obese to obese which is another milestone.

So on to next week full of confidence and belief, I never thought I would be in a position to say and mean this especially after only four weeks. "IF I CAN DO THIS ANYONE CAN DO IT." Thank you Sandra and Trevor for the help and support that you have given and are giving you have turned my life around.


  1. Congratulations Darin. You're on your way - keep it up. You're in the best hands with Trevor Silvester of the Quest Institute. Thrilled for you that you found each other. Serendipity! Love and very best wishes, Lysette.

  2. Hi Darin,

    I read your story while visiting Trevor's website for the first time in a few years.
    Recently I started to re-play his LUCK recording because my attitude toward and my experience of luck can use a tune up.

    I see the US isn't the only country who has members of the press who are self serving jerks. Sorry for your experience.

    Congratulations on your progress since working with Trevor. Your souped up spirit and attitude will pull you through your continued weight loss adventure.

    Kind Regards,

    Robert Blake
